11 January 2012

That ain't bout nothin.

There are clothes for every occasion and shoes for every season.
In the same way, there are girls for different intentions.
By that I mean there's the girl friend, the friend with benefit, the boo thing, the hoe etc.
But the problem is: 
"that dudes treat the one that they lovin' with 
the same respect that they treat the one they humpin' ". 
-Jay Z
Guys these days seem to have a hard time keeping their word. They say that they want respectable girls who they can bring home to their mothers, but they continue to mess with hoes. I understand why they would want to mess with hoes, because the sex is easy! But I'm a firm believer that anything worth having is worth waiting for. Who wants easy p****?  If its easy for one  to get, that means it was easy for the next guy to get it also. Thats no fun! What happened to the chase? The challenge? I was talking to my mom the other day and she was giving me the advice that she often does. "Make sure to keep your legs closed. Guys don't like easy girls. They want girls who can make they kneel down and eat roaches. " (She was exaggerating on the eating roaches part) What she was trying to say is that guys want girls who will crack the whip a little bit and lay down the law. Guys need to be trained. If they are accustomed to getting sex handed to them it will be difficult for them to transition and appreciate the reserved girl who doesn't put out easily. But the training can only be done by the reserved girl. Its up to us ladies with class to help some of these guys work harder. I believe there will always be that one girl who will be influential enough to change the ways of a "lazy" guy who is accustomed to sleeping with easy girls.
Now about the guys who don't know how to treat each type of girl differently! Its like wearing a tank top when its 20 degrees outside. You can't wine and dine the girl that you are simply having sex with. She should know her role. Wining and dining her would make her believe that she has the same respect as the good girl who that you are talking to. Guys should not even regard their hoes in public. Hoes should be kept behind clothes doors; its already embarrassing that one is messing with a hoe. A guy should not be completely rude. But he needs to set some boundaries and let that hoe know that all they are doing is having sex. If not, she will believe that she is worthy of more than just sex! ONE should never approach the hoe, the lady and the friend with benefit the same way. These are three distinct individuals and they are worthy of a unique approach.
At a certain age, guys should really grow up and invest their time and effort into someone who he can take home to his mother. If you plan on getting married once you are settled down with your career you should settle down with a girl friend by the age of 22! I hope thats not an exaggeration for some of you guys. Thats how old I plan on being when I settle down with my next boyfriend. Until then, I will be weighing my options and having my good/clean fun. I am not in high school anymore. Nor am I a child. These short term 2-3 month relationships are not an option for me. That is petty and a waste of my and the guy I'm hypothetically dating's time. It is important to get to know somebody THROUGHLY before you commit to being in a relationship. If not, then it will only end up in a break up. What good will that be?


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