11 March 2011

Lets play a game, sorry no boys allowed : X

I bet you all are wondering what "game" this is that I speak of. Unfortunately this is a game for only ladies to play, sorry no boys allowed.But I'm  not sure whats its called. Its not too complicated though.
Its the game that you play when you are on the pursuit of  solid man.Please understand that you cant play this game if you cannot hold your ground.If you fall too easily this game isn't for you. If you are loose please find another game.Well ladies its as simple as keeping the guy guessing. Lure them in and keep them interested.
But NEVER give the goodies. So basically if you are dating a guy make sure he knows that you have other options. Don't do it in a way that is completely obvious but make sure he is aware that you can be out with someone else doing something else. Always remember never to give 100% I don't care if hes giving 150. Give at least 50% of yourself and at most 70%.If he wants to take you out on a date every weekend of the month, make sure that you say no two weekends. Don't go out with him for two consecutive Fridays or Saturdays.Remember that this is a cat/dog game, and its ok to let the dog chase. If this guy lets you know that he likes you, make sure that he knows that you like him too, but not as much as he likes you lol. Things can get complicated but boys always like a chase, if he feels that he has all of you then he'll be over you as soon as you can blink your eye. Don't get mad if he has other girls on the side, pshhh you have other boys on the side. And most importantly don't catch too many feelings. You arent entirely sure that things will work out so save yourself the grief.

"Know the game" "Play the game" "Respect the game"-V. Henriquez

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