29 December 2010



What is a pointless tattoo?

Well its a tattoo that doesn't have any importance. If you have a tattoo that you woke up one morning and got then you have a pointless tattoo. Rhianna is an individual with many pointless tattoos. For God's sake she has "shhh" tattooed on her index finger..smh. If it wasn't pointless it would take a lot of thought before you got it, it's that simple. It really bothers me that people continue to cover their bodies with stupid tattoos. For example...tattooing your name on your body is pointless. If you can come up with three good reasons as to why tattooing your name on your body isn't pointless then I'll rest my case, but that most likely will not happen. Another pointless tattoo is a graphic such as a star, gun, or heart. One day I saw a girl with hello kitty tattooed right smack in the MIDDLE of her neck. She can say goodbye to EVER having a reputable job.

Don't get me wrong some of these tattoos look VERY cool, but that does not take away from its pointlessness. I'm tired of seeing girls with tramp stamps, wrist tattoos, and hip bone tattoos. Maybe they haven't realized that if they do plan on having kids, that cute lil star or flower on their hip or lower back will become a magnified image once labor is over with. I also HATE seeing guys with tattoos on their necks. Some ladies find it sexy but I think it's STUPID. I can never take someone with a tattoo on their neck seriously. It's just not attractive to me. Maybe I'm harsh but that's my prerogative.

Would I ever get a tattoo?

I'm still thinking about it, but trust and believe it will not be pointless. If I ever do get one you have my word that it will have been premeditated. I have something in mind that I would get but I'm still not too sold on the idea of a tattoo on me. I put it this way...


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