03 September 2010

Yours Truly

Scan the bar Codes please!

"Brand New, Opportunists, Immature, & Phony people", this ones for you ;)

In my seventeen years of living, I've had the opportunity to meet and befriend each type of person, quoted above. Not only has this opened my eyes greater, but it has also taught me many valid lessons.One important lesson that I have learned was stated by Tyler Perry ; "there will always be leaves that come and go with the seasons, but roots will always be there despite the fact that they cannot always be seen". Those who are there for the moment, those who change with the tides, those who have yet to understand what life is really about, and those who change their demeanor every other day. Yea I've met each and every one of you. Unfortunately I don't have a built in scanner to scan these people before confiding in and establishing a "friendship" with them.

 I MOSTLY do not appreciate "brand new people". Lord have mercy on the souls of those who feel the need to evolve into something negative. TRUST ME, I've witnessed this first hand. I've encountered boys and girls who have felt the need to change their appearance, values, and demeanor because of others; and I honestly feel sorry for them. In my opinion if you are one of these "brand new people" you lack enough confidence to stay true to yourself. When I say brand new, I'm using a general title for a group of people that come in different forms. Brand new people become brand new due to a plethora of scenarios such as: Attaining success in different areas, Leaving what he/she is used to for a period of time, and encountering people who are different from the norm. If an individual feels the need to become brand new due to any of the aforementioned scenarios, he/she needs to consult with a therapist ASAP.
Now for those of you who lack a real sense of maturity. Being mature doesn't only apply to those who have been on this planet for a few decades. Its time that some people open their eyes and realize that life goes on and time waits for no man. If you are a male who feels the need to cheat on his girl friend, or "bag" numbers in public, or wear your pants sagging so that your under wear is visible-I think its time that you grow up. If you are a female who feels the need to hate on another female for no reason, or fight unnecccessarily, or have an attitude for no reason, or better yet try to grab attention from foolish boys who aren't doing much with their lives-I KNOW its time that you grow up.
ATTENTION PLEASE! ATTENTION PLEASE! Being fake is not attractive. Talking negatively behind some body's back and not backing it up in front of that person's face is so elementary. If you do not like somebody when that somebody isn't around, please be real enough to express your honest opinion to their face. DO NOT smile and pretend everything is ok (unless of course this is your boss).I'm not saying to be completely blunt at all times but try to be consistent with your thoughts and actions. Human beings are real entities, we are not barbie dolls or manufactured products, so keep that in mind next time if you are constantly switching up you're personality.

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