07 September 2010


_Good tunes_

Lauryn Hill to be exact.This lady is in RARE form. Not only is she an amazing vocalist but she is also a great MC! Her voice is rather unique and her lyrics actually make sense! Nowadays we have female "rappers" talking about nonsense in their songs. Well it's been confirmed that Lauryn Hill is back in the studio. THANK GOD! Its about time that she come back and bless the music industry with her unique presence. Lauryn is an old brand that never went out of style. You see Levis is an old brand that went out of style and is suddenly becoming desired again. That's besides the point though lol. With hits like "Ex factor" and "That thing", Lauryn Hill has had her fans smitten for years.
You see, when Lauryn Hill was making hits I was just a young and naive child who didn't appreciate authentic music. But throughout the years I've listened to her songs, and I must say they are pretty impressive. Lauryn Hill does not have to wear outlandish clothing, or enhance her body through surgical procedures to captivate an audience, her authenticity does a great job!
Speaking of clothing, Lauryn Hill's style is actually unique. I don't really know how to put her style in words though. Its kind of like Hobo chic and vintage funk all in one. She recently did a few shows throughout the country for the "Rock the Bells" tour. Unfortunately I wasn't in attendance, but I did see a snippet of her performance at Governor's island. During her "Fu-gee-la" performance Lauryn called some of her industry buddies to the stage.

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