I like when things are put into perspective for me. Because sometimes I can't see for myself. Often times, for many of us, it takes a third party to intervene in order for one to see clearly. It allows one to sit back and think, and see it from another point of view. If ever I'm in an argument with somebody and that person isn't giving me enough to understand their argument, I seek the guidance of somebody intelligent, whom I trust. It's usually one of three people. I explain to them the situation, and they have to be unbiased and tell me the truth. Whether the truth is that I'm right and the other person wrong, or vice versa, is not what I care about. Instead, I want to honestly see it from another point of view. It being the point/argument, of course.
Someone once told me I was emotionally detached. Another said I have intimacy issues. And a third said I was cold. Damn. That's crazy. I had to really sit back and consider my thoughts, words and actions to conclude whether or not these accusations were false. While these people had amo to conclude these things, they aren't at all true. I would consider myself a very emotional person. However, I'm emotional when the situation merits me to be. I'm dramatic. Indeed I am. My facial expressions, my speech, my body language etc. all prove that. I can't show emotion or move unless I deem the situation worthy of such action. If someone who I don't know, who is not important to my friends/family dies, I cannot be affected much by it, because quite frankly me, my friends and my family did not know that person. Does that make me heartless? I don't know? Some would argue so. But such is life.
When the children died at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton Connecticut, it was indeed a sad situation. Beyond a reasonable doubt, that merited discussion and tears. However, I couldn't cry or talk too much about it, because that wasn't going to bring them back. I didn't know anybody affected by that incident, and thus I proceeded with my daily routines. I watched the news, I read the articles and I listened to audio as an aspiring public relations representative/attorney should. But I didn't think that doing the aforementioned things was completely necessary.
Am I emotionally detached because you don't get the reaction you want when you tell me something? Or am I legitimately emotionally detached? Do I have intimacy issues because I can't get intimate with somebody I'm not close to/have serious relations with or do I truly have intimacy issues? Am I cold because I tell it like it is without sugar coating anything or am I physically and mentally cold? Hmm food for thought
I think this shows that field of law is the right place for you. A great lawyer must be able to defend someone or go against someone with immense passion to drive it home. You said you have strong emotions when its something that holds merit to you. Secondly, lawyers deal with cases that can be beyond gruesome so being able to detach will certainly prove to be a positive thing. Who knows, if you attached too easily some things you are presented with can certainly scare you away from something you believed you would spend your life doing. Food for thought.