23 August 2011

In today's news.


I'm still living in inception. No really, I am. It's been about two weeks that I've been experiencing unprecedented downfalls. lol Well perhaps I'm being a bit dramatic, but let me get back to the point of this post. Today I got my hair done for the first time in three months. As I said in an earlier post, I had let my hair air dry all summer. And as many of my pictures prove, I kept it simple with either two twists or one slightly obnoxious bun. I found it necessary to perm my hair and cut it even; I had some damage to the ends of my hair because of the obnoxious bun.
Also in today's news, the east coast experienced an earthquake of 5.0 magnitude. Here in New York, we experienced after shocks from the quake whose epicenter was Virgina. As I sat in the chair, and my hairdresser snipped away at my hair ,the ground shook. I didn't find it to be anything major, seeing as though I was told that it was the train that was passing underneath us. That is until I received a text message from Victoria. She clearly felt something more severe than we did at the salon, because she claimed that the my mom's car in the drive way was shaking......hard. It is said that this quake has not cost anyone their lives, and hopefully the hearsay is correct.
Furthermore, while we are on the topic of natural disasters, there is a hurricane watch in the Caribbean. Thus, my dad's flight which was scheduled to arrive at John F. Kennedy airport at approximately 6:20, was cancelled. Word has it that all flights entering and leaving the Caribbean are delayed until Sunday.I hope this supposed hurricane does not occur, so prayers will be appreciated.
That's all for today's news lol.

Fly and let fly everybody!

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