20 May 2011

Americans and their hoopla

How awesome would it be if tomorrow brought an end to illness,famine,poverty,ignorance,disease & hegemony? I'd bask in that, but I'm just wishfully thinking.

I refuse to believe that the world will come to an end tomorrow. Accoring to the contentions of a single individual, May 21 2011 will bring about the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The rapture? The flood? The cessation? Whatever way you wish to identify May 21, 2011, be aware that the predictions for tomorrow, are blasphemy. Plenty of people predicted false dates for the end of the world prior to Ed Camping. Perhaps he was more persistant and resourceful than others which is why more people are believeing the hype. This man has a team of people who most likely strategized for months about how they would be able to win people over. I must hand it to them, because they do have an enormous number of followers. This movement is simply a strategy to earn money. The posters, the books, the ads and all the other rubbish that uphold ignorant and blaspheming slogans. While the Bible talks about the second coming of God, there is no exact date that we can expect for him to arrive. When he first ressurected did he warn anybody? Did he delegate an individual to analyze and discuss his arrival? Was there earthquakes, hurricanes, famine and other natural disasters? I think not. So why would he change his method in 2011? What makes this year so special that God would bless us with his presence? Lets not get in over our heads folks, you will wake up tomorrow. My friend Kendrick wil be able to celebrate his 19th birthday, I will be able to finish my two research papers, my mother will wake up and go about her daily routines, K Fox will give Hot 97's listeners the Hit List, and my sister will definately call out of work to attend a trival make up sale. Yes, Saturday May 21 won't be any different from other Saturdays people. Please grab hold of something sturdy, and get a firm grip! But if you must, call everybody you love and remind them how much you love them. You should do that everyday but if you are giving into the hype, you should definately do it tonight. Don't worry folks, many of us will not die tomorrow. Only the people who God has planned to bring into his kingdom will die. It's just unfortunate that it will be tomorrow on the day that one fool named "judgement day".

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