18 April 2011

Wait can we?

The past four years have been anything but easy for President Obama and his family. Upon his arrival in the oval office, the pressure had been weighing heavy on him. The odds were against him, there was no doubt about it. His race, ethnicity, and nationality were all questionable factors to whether or not he would be able to implement any change. He had a lot of cleaning up and reconstructing to do. George Bush left the country in some sort of catastrophic ruins. People had faith in Obama, he made a lot of promises, he was all about change.He launched his campaign with the famous "Yes we can" slogan. We saw the Obama and Biden bumper stickers and posters. Every young boy and girl wanted to "Obamaize" themselves on the social networking sites. Even I desired to wear his face on a shirt. But did he leave us hanging? Did he keep any of his promises? Could he really do it in only one term? The answers to these questions vary. As he was stepping into office he had to have known that one term would not be sufficient to restore our country back to good health. The first 100 days were anything but easy. Obama signed the controversial health care bill that gave hope to millions of people, he signed bills that reversed some of Bush's decisions, he spoke with leaders of other nations, he worked on the stimulus package and did many other things. But Obama was under a microscope and his every move was being watched. Fortunately he had the support of the youth. He visited colleges across America, held press conferences about education, and even actively participated in community service along side the average Joe. But as time passed, his support began to dwindle.People believed that Obama was showing his true "Illuminati" colors. His supposed "Yes we can" was turning into "No we can't". We watched as the news reported his plummeted support rate. Family members of both alive and deceased military personnel anticipated the arrival of our troops back on U.S soil. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. The war was supposed to end in August 2010, but there are still armed forces over seas. There is still time left in the Obama presidency. Barely any time, but time is of the essence. Rumor has it that Obama is going to apply for a second term. That's to be expected, he has alot to prove. He has to show all the skeptics that he really can. At the end of the day he has still made history. He succeeded and beat many odds. And he has over come much adversity, racism, and predjudice. 

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