17 April 2011

Have you ever felt like you had to prove yourself? Like all the odds were against you? That nobody understood you or your reasons for doing certain things? Well welcome to my world. I always feel like I'm being labeled without my permission. I know this is a judgemental world and trust me I'm guilty of it too, but only in my head. We all have our predjudice due to past experiences or horrible stereotypes but some people are more vocal about it. I speak my mind and express myself but I give people a chance. It's hard to wipe away memories and first impressions because they are very significant, but can I live? Lol funny right? Coming from the high strung, charismatic, and confident girl. But let me let you all in on a secret. I am probobly one of the most misunderstood people walking this earth. Just like you I just want people to appreciate me. And just like you I am unappreciative and underappreciated. If there is one thing I detest it is when people misunderstand me. And boy do many people misunderstand me. It takes time, patience, and wisdom to understand a girl like me. I'm very multifaceted and sometimes I feel like I have multiple personality disorder. I am a mutlitude things. I am not simple I am rather complex. Yet at the same time I am simple. I can be a contradiction and an oximoron. People do not have the patience to sit, wait, and understand me. They rather assume and create a label for me. That is one of the most offensive and ignorant things that one can ever do. Trust me once you realize who I am and what I'm about, you will be dumbfounded. At the end of the day you either love me or leave me alone. Don't get me wrong please, I don't need you to love me. I simply want you to respect me. Understand me and make your judgment after that. But please hold your preconcieved notions.

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