03 November 2010

Males aren't facing extinction

Some parents raise their children with great care and instill commendable morals and values in them. Some children grow up to be the epitome of what their parents desired for them to be. Others put their parents to shame. There are barely any parents who want the worst for their children.  My mother raised my sisters and I to be women with great moral value and high standards. I can't speak for other females that I've come into contact with, but when I witness or hear about some of their actions,I always ask myself what would their mother think? Or did she have parents who were there to properly educate her? Is she simply going against everything that she was taught? Is she to blame for the way she has turned out? Or are her experiences and/or parental figures to blame for her character?

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies you have to play the game right. You have to come correct or risk being played.
Now I'm only human so I'm not acting like I haven't been in my share of guy issues. But after reading Steve Harvey's "Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man", my eyes have been opened up much wider than they were before I read the book. There were things that he explained that I never realized. Two things that that Steve and I both agree on is,  If you want somebody to take you seriously, you must take yourself seriously; you must set standards and adhere to them!

Ladies enough with statuses about how much you love your man and how great he makes you feel. Enough with posting pictures of yourself half nude on social networking sites. Enough with being naive and making spontaneous decisions that you'll quickly regret. Enough with going hard for a boy who doesn't give you the time of day. Enough with opening your legs to guys who aren't worthy. Enough crying and complaining when things don't work out well with your man, especially if you can do much better. Especially when its his loss not yours. ESPECIALLY when you made yourself so easy to be played! Never stress over someone who will never stress over you. You are giving these guys authority over you, by allowing  them to control your emotions. Waiting up at night for a guy to call needs to be a thing of the past! Do not fall for "I love you, theres no other girl like you, You're the only one for me" bs. If your man says this to you, but barely proves it, then you need to understand that it's bs!

The way I see it is, there are millions of male fish in the sea therefore no single male is ever worth losing myself over. I understand that in rare instances there will be guys worthy of preferential treatment but I don't think I can love any guy more than I love myself. Truth is, I love myself a lot! Truth is I can NEVER allow myself to be the girl that looses sleep over a guy. I'm SORRY but its just not worth it. Yea its much easier said than done, but fuck a guy who doesn't realize that I'm a Queen and I should be treated as such. Fuck a guy who finds it necessary to lie and cheat! Most of all fuck a guy who doesn't respect the fact that I'm abstaining from sex until I'm married. I was always taught to value myself and to never take crap from a guy. I will NEVER lower my standards for anybody. My mother says "sometimes guys may not be attractive but it's whatever is inside that counts the most". Which is true, but I cannot allow myself to fall in love with someone who I don't find attractive. I know its superficial and looks fade away, but that's just the way I feel. Now I bet I sound like a bitter high sadity female who will never find a guy, but I rather be alone than to be lied to, cheated on, and played for a fool!

I believe there is someone out there for me. Someone who is up for the challenge! Someone who isn't perfect but who is perfect for me!

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