08 October 2010

Come on get happy

"I'm for truth no matter who tells it, and for justice no matter who it's for or against" -Malcolm X

We live in an evolving world with many unanswered questions, a variety of injustices, and a plethora of lies. "America is an unfinished project"; in many aspects, the society that we live in is truly corrupt. Let me not stray away from what this post is really about.

                Homosexuals are human beings just as heterosexuals are. It baffles me to hear about  gays and lesbians being treated unfairly. I feel as though Gays and Lesbians are the most similar to African Americans, for the simple fact that we have been discriminated against, tormented, and treated like animals. You may disagree, but in my eyes its just that simple. Just as African Americans don't completely get the respect they deserve, homosexuals are often treated as if  they are inferior. It boggles my mind to hear people call homosexuals weird and nasty. Why are these individuals so weird and nasty? Is it because they don't like the opposite sex and they prefer the same sex? Whats the issue? The fact that homosexuals like the same sex doesn't make them any less human.I personally feel like if one doesn't adhere to the traditional standards of American, society is going to label him/her as incompetent or weird. But to hell with society, each and every person is special, God didn't make any mistakes! No two people are exactly the same, and perfection is unattainable. Crimes against homosexuals must cease to exist. Being prejudice is inevitable, almost every person in this world has prejudged somebody; but discriminating against another person is taking things to the extreme.

It's like every time I tune into the news, I hear another story about a hate crime against homosexuals. I've noticed that most of these crimes are against gays and not lesbians. Double standard perhaps? Recently in my speech class, I discussed homosexuality with a few of my peers. We concluded that if parents teach their children at an early age, that there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, there would be less hate crimes.There should be more support for the gay and lesbian community through public activities. I understand the argument of religion, but it is said that God accepts all of his children whether they sin or not, so why should homosexuals an exception to the rule?
Despite what researches and scientists have to say, I believe that homosexuals are just like every other person. "Call it what you want but I'm gonna call it how I feel."
Being unique is amazing.I'm totally supportive of unique, avant garde, and homosexuality!

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